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Are You Being Honest With Yourself?

Wow, can you believe it’s half-time already? It’s been pretty busy so far…not just busy but productive with more opportunities and growth for me. I get to do what I love. I get to Inspire and empower others to reach their potential through personal growth and development. That fulfills me, that gives me juice and I want to do more of it, and I want to make a lot of money doing it. Hey, I just thought I would BE HONEST here. It has taken me some time to get very clear on what I really, really, really want. How about you?

Are you clear…have you declared it…have you written it down?

Are you truly being honest with yourself about what you want out of life?  I mean, what you really, really, want? Are you clear about who you want to be? I recently read a very powerful quote that said,“All I ever wanted to be is who I am becoming.” – Yes, Yes!

Beloved, Who Are YOU becoming?

Could it be possible that results are lacking in our lives because we are not clear on what we really want, and we have not come clean with ourselves or others to verbalize and declare our truth? Or, up until now we have been unwilling to make the necessary changes…

What do you really believe about you? What is your self talk like?

 I believe that “Honesty” is one of the principles for an abundant life with deep roots and a direct correlation to the results in our lives. Without it, nothing can be properly sustained because there is no foundation. And because we’re not being true to ourselves, our behavior and actions are not congruent with what we say we believe.

Are you settling for less than the truth? Join me on a journey to explore the depths of “Honesty” and deepen it’s impact in your life.  Check out our teaching on Honesty – Click Here or take some time and take the entire Abundant Life Principle Journey with this audio bundle Click Here

You have so much more – let us have it!

Your Empowerment Mentor and Coach


P.S. Be sure to take advantage of all the Resources and Personal Growth Products and Services we have created with you in mind. Are you getting our daily inspiration?

Join us for our Upcoming Complimentary Masterclass “Winning with Purpose Vision Goals

What are you tolerating? – Take the FREE Assessment

Join us noon on Monday CST – Facebook Live for “Win The Day” Broadcast

Could you use a little more accountability Join me in the 7 Day Win The Day Challenge

Join me Monday Mornings in July on the Power Up Your Faith Show, hosted by “Momentum Coach” L. Rene  Richardson” and Women of Vision and Destiny.   Click here for details.

Are you in the market for a Virtual Admin? Check out Your Virtual Admin Expert – So you can stay in The Genius Zone. Click Here



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